
public utility fortnightly hackathon
Public Utilities Fortnightly met with Breakthrough to discuss Breakthrough's role in the AABE hackathon "Bridging Gaps Through Innovation."
marketing and innovation
Good marketing transforms intentions into actionable results. How is this done?
innovation mindset
Creating the right mindset begins with leadership behavior and that suggests that managers must examine how they lead and not how they manage.
market driven innovation
Market-driven innovation is driven by getting everyone on the same page early on, and focusing on the work that needs to be done by everyone.
market driven innovation
To many, innovation appears to be the “buzz word” for new product development. But much of their new product development is incremental and really not “innovative.”
This AABE Hackathon reaps the benefits of combining inclusion and cross-disciplinary thinking to develop innovative solutions for complex problems.
How do you deal with the onslaught of generics now that your technology/innovation is maturing?
The lack of a well-defined concept statement is one barrier to innovation success. What are the key elements of a good concept statement?
The barriers to speed, agility, and simplicity have become deeply entrenched and must be destroyed before or while engaging in a new innovation model.
Amazon is smart, aggressive, fast, and can course correct without seeming to miss a beat. They seem to take the air out of the markets they target.
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