Go Beyond Traditional Market Research

Our Voice of the Customer (VOC) engagements go well beyond traditional market research. We design and deploy a set of choice exercises that elicit a variety of market perceptions.

Attribute importance and performance
Customer outcomes importance and performance
Competitive and concept pricing
Feature value analysis
Other key aspects of the marketing mix

Qualitative techniques help us frame issues and language, providing an understanding of the market from a handful of target customers. We conduct

In-person and online focus groups, or exploratories, to develop the relationships between what people think, say, and feel—what motivates their behavior

Interviews and triads

Direct observation–ethnography and netography

With a hybrid of qualitative and quantitative methodology, we investigate emotions with InnerMind Metrix℠.

Surveys are our primary quantitative technique. They are the core tool to validate hypotheses, define optimized pricing, and perform segmentation and positioning. The Breakthrough Innovation Hub™ takes survey research to the next level by using structured questions to validate causal relationships and determine what customers want or expect as a result of using your product or service.

Why is Voice of the Customer Important?

When analyzed as an integrated set, the research output can be used by business leaders to answer critical questions that impact business growth with market facts. It has to be done correctly to have value—to address your business objectives.

We have mastered the art and science of distilling information from customers and markets.

One Client’s Happily Ever After

Hear what one of our clients had to say about using VOC analytics to make sure their growth didn’t falter.

Communications Implementation

Does your organization have the expertise to execute your marketing strategy?

While analytically and strategically grounded, we apply proprietary and proven statistical methodologies to your brand and media strategy development, management, and measurement. We support all phases of the marketing process, from the development of a winning value proposition to implementation of cross media communications. So, you can focus on your growth portfolio.

We collaborate with you on your entire marketing journey—from strategy to tactical implementation.

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