
Achieving product differentiation in a market crowded with competitors can be challenging, but not impossible.
Upstream innovations depend on the downstream market for adoption of their innovation. But often, businesses shield upstream innovations from potential adopters.
Nobody could have anticipated what is happening in these times of fear and anxiety. On the bright side, however, these times might also give us the opportunity to reset and innovate.
Innovating is the hardest of the 5 critical drivers of business success, but it's also the most crucial. Your business will not continue to grow without innovation.
Only half of small businesses survive more than five years, and further decays continue over time. The reasons are similar to those that cause mid-level and large firms to stagnate. But the small business has one advantage.
Market-driven innovation success requires a market orientation mindset and must address the demand drivers in the value-adding chain.
A new market entrant learned how to promote its new offering and where to focus its communications to reach receptive consumers.
Innovation can be even more powerful with ingredient branding—products that not only add functional value, but their logo on branded products or services adds its own brand power to the branded product.
business innovation
You know you can expand your market penetration with a new offering. To make it compelling, you need market insights that prove there is a clear road to success.
stagnate or innovate buttons
It’s not news that innovation and new product offerings are the keys to growth for the most successful companies. But the road from concept to commercialization is fraught with risks.
years of industry experience helping businesses transform

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