Business Development & Innovation Certificate Program

Make more money by knowing your market better!

Kent State logo In the HBR article Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chen Kim and Renée Mauborgne reported on the results of 108 business launches. 14% invested in creating new markets and industries delivering 38% of the revenues and 61% of the total profits compared to 86% of investments in line extensions- incremental improvements to existing industry offering. Those delivered 62% of the revenues and only with 39% of the total profits. Developing business in new markets delivers the greatest return on investment. All businesses must grow their top and bottom lines if they are to survive. So, getting the most from every investment dollar is critical. The key to business development is the right mindset, skillset and toolset. So, the sessions below address all three. They will help you build and refine these capabilities to grow your business. Learn how to ACCELERATE the return on your growth investment with the process proven to deliver a higher success rate than hit and miss approaches in the Business Development and Innovation classes. The five eight-hour programs comprising the Kent State Certificate in Business Development and Innovation include: These one-day programs can be taken as single topic events to develop one competency or you can complete all six to receive the Kent State Certificate in Business Development and Innovation. All five classes are interactive. Participants are invited to share and explore their non-proprietary business challenges with the class. You will also have the opportunity to discuss them with the instructor in private- if you prefer.

Who should attend?

Individuals and teams responsible for any element of market, product or service development and its leadership: product managers and those responsible for developing new products, services or markets. The program is ideal for team participation. Facilitator: Pam Roach on the Certificate of Business Development and Innovation Is your growth stunted? Have you started to think of your business as a commodity? Then you need to do things differently. You need to innovate. Wikipedia says Innovation is the development of new customer value through solutions that meet new needs, unarticulated needs or old customer and market needs in new ways. Upon completion of the Kent State University Certificate in Marketing and Innovation, participants will understand how to uncover genuine customer value. This knowledge could eliminate the need to hire an outside consultant or at the very least make it possible to get more from them. Participants will be given tools and techniques to apply to their current responsibilities. Working these they can identify what customers really want and analyze what customer will value. Since value is measured by profitable revenue, identifying which customers will pay for what value is key to success. With this certificate, participants will understand how to identify those customers and that value to increase the speed, success and reliability of profitable new product launches. View detailed information on classes and registration information

Leadership Mindset to Unleash Growth

The one-day 8 hour Leadership session is designed to:
  • Teach you how to lead a market-driven business development process
  • Align with what participants learn in 5 day Kent State University Certificate Business Development and Innovation program.
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