MORE – Marketing Optimized with Research and Evaluation

Reduce Risk with MORE℠

Breakthrough’s new tool, MORE℠ (Marketing Optimized with Research and Evaluation), reduces the risk associated with investing in new offerings. We save you time, resources, and costs with our efficient approach to defining what will sell, to whom, and for how much before you direct resources into a new line of business.

Our MORE approach delivers a fast-based description of how the market will value and purchase your innovation. We identify how you can drive revenue with the customers you want to serve faster. You achieve your business goal of more profitable revenue with a more efficient investment.

Not happy with where you are? Want to operate in a different market space? Are you asking yourself in which market space you want to be and what must you do to win in that new space? You can start with your intuition about where opportunity could exist. But more is needed.

To start exploring potential new spaces and answering the question “What do I need to do to get there?” you need a plan. You need to understand the market topography to map your path forward. MORE is a proven tool that uses data generated from customized, primary research to reveal the contours of the road that will lead to your success. MORE helps you think back from a vision of your future and determine what you need to do to get there.

You can document your future state and answer the question “What has to happen for me to get there?” using our tool called Future Business HistorySM. There’s a large and definable space in the future if you can just envision what is on the edge of doable. Aim for a specific future state to identify a new product or service customer not buying your offering today. Current customers—who will buy your new offering based on their wants and needs that are not being satisfied—can become part of that new customer group too. This future state may require you to build a new business model to capture value from them.

Future Business History℠

Future Business History℠ is part of a process designed to lead a business through developing a vision and an aggressive growth strategy. 

When you think about new products and services, you can offer what exists today with incremental improvements, delivering to those customers who know and respect you as well as to a whole new set of customers who need just that extra set of benefits to buy. The most challenging future state, though, is one in which you go beyond the incremental and offer significant newness or innovation to a new group of customers – those who don’t already know you. That is the riskiest road to travel. But it has the potential to deliver the greatest reward. The challenge is how to capture that reward in the most efficient and effective way possible. It all starts with a picture of a future state that is so clear, so real that the process of building the history that got you there becomes an exciting and feasible road to travel. MORE helps you with the hard part.

SM Service marks of Breakthrough Marketing Technology, LLC:
MORE – Marketing Optimized with Research and Evaluation and Future Business History

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