Get the most out of the precious time you have to interact with potential customers in a new business development mode.
Hybrid Voice of the Customer, or Hybrid VOC, is a methodology that combines the best of the qualitative interview and the core of a pricing and positioning quantitative assessment.
Key decision makers and influencers are asked to complete a set of exercises in a face-to-face interaction. Their responses trigger a focused discussion about their answers and about additional need areas. Responses from several sets of participants are analyzed, along with key statements as notes, to generate a basis for progressing with new product development and commercialization. The analysis generates
- How the concept or new product should be formulated to deliver customer value
- The price customers would be willing to pay for the concept product
- The share you could expect to receive once in a competitive environment
- Who among potential customers would be most ready to test and purchase the concept product
The Keys to a Hybrid VOC Interaction

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A Successful Product Launch Uncovered
We used Hybrid VOC to help a client position, market, and price new products.

Hybrid VOC for New Product Innovations
Learn how we used hybrid VOC to assess the value of an innovative new product for a client.